Program Overview

“Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.”   Robert Collier

We created this program to help you build a strong foundation for your business quickly so that you can create enough income to cover your monthly products and provide additional income. We believe that once you have the knowledge, confidence and income you can effectively teach and train your team to do the same.

Why Elite?
Elite is the rank that is the cornerstone of the compensation plan. Once you have built to elite yourself you can turn around and teach your builders to do the same. Continuing to build elite legs will take you to Silver, Diamond and beyond if you choose. Building your team in a sustainable strong duplicatable way is the key to your future.

Who Is this Program For?
Anyone who is not yet elite.
Anyone who would like to learn how to mentor their builders into elites so they can begin to reap the benefits of having their product paid for.
Those who want a strong sustainable duplicatable system to use over and over again with their team.
Those who want to learn from mentors what worked and what didn’t work for them.
Those who want to learn how to integrate building a business into their life regardless of lifestyle.
Those that want to find their unique authentic voice in their business and  build upon that.

Who Is This Program NOT For ?
Those who are not interested in making money or having their monthly orders paid for.
Those who do not want to be mentored.
Those who do not want to mentor their downline.
Those who are not dedicated to creating their own business.

What Will Happen Each Week?
• One on One Mentoring – Your assigned mentor will set up a one on one call with you weekly. If you already have a weekly call set up its ok to use that time for this program and mentoring. You will be able to get the support and insights of your mentor and work through any challenges and opportunities.
• Private Facebook Group – Join your peers and team mates in this private group that you will get a link to in your welcome email.
• Materials – One of Karen’s builders Kelly Dollinger has been using a GREAT idea for a very long time and she suggests it here. Get a binder and some nice organizational tabs, because a lot of goodies are coming your way. Print out these resources and use them with any new builders that partner with you. Tools include ways to share, teach, enroll and mentor.
• Personal and Professional Development – We have chosen two main books and one main resource guide in addition to many many other resources for you on this journey.

What Do You Need To Do?
Bring your commitment, action and agree to teach, train and support your team as well.
Suit up, Show up and Reap the Rewards for a lifetime.